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My Top 5 Christmas Films 五大圣诞佳片推荐
In this video I introduce my top 5 favourite Christmas films.
Learn English With Poetry - Ozymandias 学英文诗歌2—Ozymandias
Listen to the poem Ozymandias. Learn about it's meaning and learn new vocabulary that you can use to improve your spoken English.
Learn English With Poetry - Leisure 读诗歌 - 闲暇
Listen to the poem Leisure. Learn about it's meaning and learn new vocabulary that you can use to improve your spoken English.
Mulled Wine 英国小哥教你做最浪漫的圣诞节饮品
In this video I teach how to make a classic British drink that will keep you warm in winter.
Halloween 万圣节惊吓指南
Learn all about Halloween - it's history, it's customs and how to celebrate it - by watching this video.